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Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited websites hosted
30-Day Free Trial
How Hosting Services Operates
Hosting is a kind of Internet service that permits individuals and businesses to render their web pages reachable online. Web hosting service providers are firms that offer hard drive storage space on a hosting server held in a datacenter facility and ensure continuous Internet connectivity.
Where do you begin?
The World Wide Web has become an essential component of every individual's everyday agenda. It gives you the chance to make additional cash, but can also be a major source of revenue. In order to display advertisements on your site or to publicize a product that you offer, you invariably need a hosting service, which will ensure that your website is secure and always available. But how do you discover one that is cheap and yet reliable enough?
The shared hosting platform
The solution web hosting distributors have brought forth is called shared hosting. With the shared web hosting solution, lots of shared web hosting account holders are hosted on the very same hosting server. There are strict restrictions on the system resources that each shared hosting account can actually avail of, thus making sure that they do not intervene with each other. The shared solution offers satisfactory performance and is more affordably priced than, let's say, a dedicated web hosting server, which is used by just one individual. The shared solution permits hosting providers to offer their customers affordable prices. It typically comes with intuitive Control Panel software, as is the case with the server that we at PC021 Hosting solutions provide, and allows everyone to manage their web portals without bothering about server setup and maintenance tasks, which are entirely taken care of by the hosting firm.
VPS hosting
With the VPS hosting solution, on the other hand, you share a physical server with other users, but you are allocated a dedicated share of the system resources. The Virtual Private Server solution is the middle ground between the much more moderately priced shared web hosting solution and the more high-priced dedicated server hosting solution, and is a very suitable option for anyone who desires to set up, for instance, an audio or video streaming website or a social network. The fact that you need to take care of the server configuration settings and software updates yourself is somewhat of a downside, but this could also be a big benefit if you really have to implement some server configuration changes - something that would be inconceivable on a shared hosting web server.
Dedicated Servers
Dedicated servers are in the majority of circumstances much more expensive than shared hosting or virtual server web hosting solutions. You might wonder why would anyone want to use a dedicated hosting web server then? The reply is very simple. If your corporation has a resource-demanding website, or just has very explicit web server configuration and security requirements, the most sensible option would be a dedicated hosting web server that you or your admins can manage directly. For somebody who is inclined to invest in safety and reliability, the bigger price is of no concern. You receive full server root access and can use 100% of the hosting server's system resources without anyone else utilizing these system resources and meddling with your web pages.